

Excellent detox water

Detox water is very popular and there are many different recipes that you can try. Whether you just want to avoid sugary drinks or your goal is to help your body get rid of toxins effectively, we have recipes for you that will also satisfy your taste buds. Here are some ingredients you can add to your detox water.
The high content of antioxidants and vitamin C in grapefruit juice helps the liver to flush out carcinogens and other pollutants from the body.
Leafy vegetables
This group includes a lot of really healthy vegetables, which is why there are so many "green" detox drinks and cocktails. Vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, white cabbage, lettuce, spinach help to produce enzymes important for better digestion. Leafy vegetables in general, such as lettuce, have the ability to neutralize metals, chemicals and pesticides that have entered your body.
There are legends about grenades. Their seeds contain three types of polyphenols-antioxidants that help fight free radicals and prevent them.
Lemon or lime juice perfectly stimulates and regulates the gastrointestinal tract (therefore it is also useful for constipation, heartburn or flatulence) and has a positive effect on the production of bile, which helps to remove toxic substances from the body.
The systems in the body are interconnected, and beetroot seems to be important for more than one organ. Nevertheless, it is considered primarily an excellent helper for liver detoxification.
Watermelon contains the organic compound citrulline, an amino acid that helps the liver and kidneys get rid of ammonia entering the body from the external environment, but is also a byproduct of protein that our body constantly burns for energy. Watermelon provides general liver support.
Cucumber is mainly known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it also contains citrulline, although not as much as watermelon.
Add celery to any detoxification water and enrich it with vitamins A, C, K, B, folic acid and potassium, which reduce water retention in the body and promote muscle regeneration.
Aloe Juice
Aloe juice is considered the biggest secret of weight loss in Ayurveda. It helps maintain weight by balancing the digestive system and regulating female hormones. It is also believed that it helps to increase fertility. escortannonce.net/escorts/geneve/


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